Parser has two meanings. The first meaning is a syntactic analysis method, e.g. LL (1) parser. The second meaning is a syntactic analysis system in. a compiler, e.g.. C++ parser. This paper adopts the second meaning. In terms of this meaning, traditional parser, as part of a compiler, is implemented in system software. Which parser of grammar is implemented in the system software, which grammar can only be analyzed? Therefore, traditional parser is a special-purpose parser. In this papersecondary bottom-up general-purpose parser is proposed, based on secondary Prolog of mutually-inversistic logic. Syntactic analysis was carried out by secondaty bottom-up general-purpose parser by means of theorem proving. It takes grammatical rules as part of application software: Which grammar wants to be analyzed, which grammatical rules are inputted into the application software. The merits of secondary bottom-up general-purpose parser are that it frees the computer scientists from the hard work of constructing compilers and it is flexible and convenient.