Recently, most of the research studies focus on common diseases to reduce their risks and enhance health care level. It is important to mention that most of the risks were founded in poor countries, because of their low healthcare level. From these standpoints, the idea of our study came out to evaluate the poverty measures in the poorest countries in the world, depending on four main objectives. First, comparing the lowest and highest income countries in each continent. Second, identify gross domestic product (GDP) income and its impact on the individuals and their health. Third, the impact of poverty and malnutrition on all cancer types, and cancer statistics on all continents. Finally, the criterion that we have chosen to select countries, and what countries will be compared with each other. This study is performed through descriptive statistical analysis and visualization techniques to extract a specific knowledge, which is the effect of poverty on increasing the death rate of cancer disease within the world countries. The outcome of this study may help healthcare organizations all over the world to interventions for cancer prevention, early detection, and control so that they can reduce the cancer death rate, which helps the human community.