Wetlands constitute a part of human heritage. It has played a significant role in the development of human culture and society. More over it contains very rich components of biodiversity of local, national, and regional significance. They also provide habitat for a variety of resident and migratory waterfowl, a significant number of endangered species, and a large number of commercially important species. Mangrove wetlands are unique environments of floral-faunal assemblages, providing a complex detritus-based food-web for a number of marine and brackish water organisms. Wetlands in Bangladesh have great importance for the country's economic, industrial, ecological, socioeconomic, and cultural aspects. There are five types of wetlands available in Bangladesh, such as saltwater wetlands, freshwater wetlands, palustrine wetlands, lacustrine wetlands, and manmade wetlands. There are 43 designated wetlands, and some are under threat from indiscriminate utilization, encroachments and reclamation, urbanization and drawbacks from agricultural development, and flood control. Almost 50% of the country's people are directly dependent on wetlands resources. The vast majority of the poor people in the wetlands areas are dependent on wetlands resources for their nourishment. Wetlands have potential and have been recognized as a driving force for biodiversity conservation and rural socioeconomic improvement. Smart-use of wetlands can solve the ecosystems problems in the floodplain areas. A comprehensive analysis of the various issues leading to wetlands degradation is made in this study. The country needs an adequate interdisciplinary policy and political will to implement it for sustainable management and protection of wetlands and ecologically sensitive ecosystems in Bangladesh. Therefore, a reliable data bank is provided in this study to enhance the conservation measures initiated by the Government.