Background-Heart failure (HF) readmission rates are primarily derived from Medicare enrollees. Given increasing public scrutiny of HF readmissions, understanding the rate and predictors in populations covered by other payers is also important, particularly among patients with systolic dysfunction, for whom most HF-specific therapies are targeted. Methods and Results-MarketScan Commercial and Medicaid Administrative Claims Databases were used to identify all first hospitalizations with an International Classification of Diseases-9 discharge diagnosis code for HF (primary position) and systolic HF (any position) between January 1, 2005, and June 30, 2008. Among 4584 unique systolic HF index admissions (mean age 55 years), 30-day crude readmission rates were higher for Medicaid than commercially insured patients: all-cause 17.4% versus 11.8%; HF-related 6.7% versus 4.0%, respectively. In unadjusted analysis, higher comorbidity and prior healthcare utilization predicted readmission; age, sex, and plan type did not. After adjustment for case mix, the odds of all-cause and HF-related readmission were 32% and 68% higher, respectively, among Medicaid than commercially insured patients (P<0.02 for both). No significant differences in readmission rates were seen for managed care versus fee-for-service or capitated versus noncapitated plan types. Conclusions-Compared with commonly cited Medicare HF readmission rates of 20% to 25%, Medicaid patients with systolic HF had lower 30-day readmission rates, and commercially insured patients had even lower rates. Even after adjustment for case mix, Medicaid patients were more likely to be readmitted than commercially insured patients, suggesting that more attention should be focused on readmissions among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. (Circ Heart Fail. 2012;5:672-679.)