Introduction. A sedentary lifestyle is not only a major cardiovascular risk factor from an early age, it also contributes to the development of other cardiovascular risk factors. The objective of this study was to determine the level of physical activity and relate it to cardiovascular risk markers in Valencian adolescents according to their anthropometric characteristics and gender. Population and Methods. The following variables were assessed in a randomized sample of 583 Valencian adolescents (Spain) aged 12-18 years: level of physical activity, using a validated questionnaire; weight, height and waist circumference; aerobic capacity, using the multi-stage fitness test (Course-Navette test); and muscle strength, using a manual dynamometry. Results. In total, 57.60% of male adolescents and 14% of female adolescents complied with the recommendations for physical activity. The prevalence of excessive weight, waist circumference with risk, and aerobic capacity with risk was 24.90%, 29.30% and 20.60%, respectively among boys, and 15.10%, 23.20% and 24.70% among girls (p <0.005). Conclusions. A higher level of physical activity in adolescents is related to a lower body mass index, a smaller waist circumference and less excessive weight in male adolescents, and to a higher aerobic capacity and a lower cardiovascular risk in both male and female adolescents. Aerobic capacity and waist circumference with risk are significantly higher among subjects with excessive weight.