One of the XXIth century big challenges consists of the control, at the planet scale, of new and clean energies. It is necessary to reduce, in a drastic way, our dependency to fossil energies as they produce greenhouse effect gases. Several complementary solutions have to be considered. In particular, the renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydraulic, geothermal, tidal power) have to be more developed. In the car industry field, it is also a question of filling out the oil requirements, knowing that in the same time, the number of vehicles unquestionably increases. In that way, the fuel cells are regarded as the choice to privilege in the long term. However, this technology has to overcome numerous technical and economic problems and hybrid electric equipments will continue so to be developed. The electrochemical energy storage systems, and especially the Li-Ion batteries, contribute, for nearly two decades, with the considerable rise of the portable electric components. They have however to be still improved to effectively meet the needs for the automobile sector as well as for the new portable devices.