The aim of this work is to characterize Staphylococcus spp. isolated from meat and milk products in Ankara, Turkey. A total of 232 isolates were isolated from raw calf meat (minced), chicken drumsticks, raw milk, ice cream, and white cheese samples. The isolates were identified as S. aureus (10.3 %), S. intermedius (7.8 %), S. hyicus (1.7 %), S. cohnii (23.2 %), S. hominis (18.1 %), S. xylosus (8.1 %), S. simulans (7.8 %), S. capitis (6 %), S. epidermidis (5.6 %), S. haemolyticus (4.3 %), S. auricularis (3.9 %), S. wameri (2.1 %) and S. saprophyticus (0.9 %). A high proportion of Staphylococcus isolates had virulence factors such as slime formation (42.7 %), biofilm formation (35.3 %), DNase activity (32.8 %) and hemolytic activity (31 %). Our findings indicate that meat, milk and their products represent potential hazardous sources of virulent Staphylococcus species.