An experiment was conducted during the rainy (kharif) season of 1992-94 to study performance of 4 varieties of pearlmillet [Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br. emend. Stuntz] with different crop geometries in late-sowing rainfed coarse-textured soil. Under late-sown conditions hybrids 'HHB 60' and 'HHB 67' gave significantly higher grain yield of 16.42 and 15.32 q/ha respectively over the hybrid 'RHB 30' (13.22 q/ha) and variety 'MP 171' (11.10 q/ha). However,'MP 171' gave significantly higher stover yield of 47.26 q/ha over all 3 hybrids. The grain and stover yields did not differ significantly due to different crop gemoetries with a constant population of 0.148 million plants.