Conversion of native prairie land for agricultural production has resulted in significant loss and redistribution of soil organic matter (SOM) in the soil profile ultimately leading to declining soil fertility in a low-productivity semiarid agroecosystem. Improved understanding of such losses can lead to development of sustainable land management practices that maintain soil fertility and enhance soil quality. This study was conducted to determine whether conservation practices impact soil profile carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) accumulation in central High Plains. Soil samples were taken at four-depth increments to 1.2 m in July of 2011 from five unfertilized fields under long-term management with varying degrees of soil disturbance: (1) historic wheat (Triticum aestivum)-fallow (HT) - managed with tillage alone, (2) conventional wheat-fallow (CT) - input of herbicides for weed control and fewer tillage operation than historic wheat-fallow, (3) no-till wheat-fallow (NT) - not plowed since 2000 and herbicides used for weed control, (4) grass-legume mixture - established in 2005 as in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and (5) native mixed grass prairie (NP) - representing a relatively undisturbed reference location. Cumulative soil organic C (SOC) was not significantly different among the three wheat-fallow systems when the whole profile (0-120 cm) was analyzed. However, SOC, dissolved organic C (DOC), and total soil N contents decreased in the direction NP > CRP >= NT> HT >= CT in the surface 0-30 cm depth. In the surface 0-30 cm depth, estimated annual SOC storage rate averaged 0.28 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1) since the cessation of tillage in 2000 and 0.58 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1) since the establishment of CRP grass-legume mixture in 2005. Cumulative soil inorganic C (SIC) accumulation ranged between 8.1 and 24.9 Mg ha(-1) and was greatest under wheat-fallow systems, particularly at deeper soil layers, relative to the perennial systems (NP and CRP). Results from this study suggest that repeated soil disturbance induced by cropping and fallow favored large accumulation of SIC which presence may result in decline in soil fertility and productivity; whereas conversion from tilled wheat-fallow to CRP grass-legume mixture offers great SOC storage potential relative to NT wheat-fallow practices. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.