The goal of the study was to diagnose the needs of instructors working in the area of the digital inclusion of persons who are excluded, at risk of exclusion, marginalized, and discriminated against in terms of using new technologies. The research focused on the phenomenon of the digital divide as seen from the perspective of digital literacy educators of older adults. The study was conducted in 2019 in Poland, using a qualitative research methodology (a structured in-depth interview) and interpretative paradigm. The respondents were 8 specialists, educators of older adults, representing different types of institutions dealing with the digital divide: a activity center, a public library, a nursing home, an NGO, and a University of the Third Age. Triangulation of the results led to several important conclusions regarding to the expectations, experiences, challenges and postulated supporting actions related to digital inclusion. Based on the results gathered, we have noticed that educators readily share their didactic and organizational experience. The respondents were open to the development of their own teaching competences, and recognized the role of lifelong learning. They often highlighted that the digital education of older adults is only one of many additional activities. The activities to improve the digital literacy of older adults are implemented as part of their non-formal education (i.e. it is carried out by educators holding no formal qualifications). For this reason, the teachers expect content-related and methodological support most of all, as well as the promotion of the idea of lifelong education (including digital literacy development) in society.