Fewer ethnic minorities, especially Asian-Americans, become organ donors. There are cultural, religious, and personal barriers to becoming a designated organ donor. Factors that promote or inhibit organ donation in Asians, especially Filipinos, are not well understood. We conducted a series of focus groups to identify barriers and facilitators to organ donation (deceased donor) among Filipinos. Six focus groups were conducted with church members, adolescents, nurses, physicians, organ recipients, and organ donor families. The mean age of adult participants (n = 57) was 52.3 +/- 15 years, 83% were Catholic, and 72% were female. A qualitative theme analysis methodology identified dominant themes related to organ donation in the participants. The major themes were: awareness of organ donation (38%), family beliefs (25%), religion/spirituality (10%), attitude/emotions (10%), personal experience with organ donation (8%), health profession (6%), and cultural issues (3%). Seventy-five percent of the comments about awareness reflected a positive awareness of cultural issues regarding organ donation, and the rest reflected a lack of awareness or misconceptions. Almost every theme was mentioned in all six focus groups. Understanding a specific ethnic group's knowledge, attitudes, and cultural beliefs regarding organ donation is important in the development of educational campaigns to encourage organ donation in ethnic minority.