The oldest independent Greek Orthodox Patriarchates within the Ottoman Empire were those in Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem. Among these four patriarchates, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem continues to preserve the highest status among the Patriarchates of Jerusalem as the oldest and largest church in Palestine. The history of Patriarchate goes back to Jesus as evident from the writings of the Apostles. Eastern Roman Empire granted autonomy in the local hierarchy of eastern churches at the council of Chalcedon in 451. Thus, the Greek Patriarchate of Jerusalem was established. The Greek Patriarchate of Jerusalem always had a special kind of symbolic influence, and importance for the universal Christian imagination, chiefly as the site of holy places where the Lord taught, suffered, and ascended to Heavens again. Patriarchate, which fell under Ottomans rule in the reign of Sultan Selim, was granted many privileges and exemptions. These exemptions and concessions continued until the collapse of the State. The patriarchate, too, was a beneficiary to the changes brought about by the 1856 Reform Edict and regulations of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem were drafted in 1875. In this paper, the foundation, general structure, and the regulations of 1875 will be discussed.