In this paper we try to connect business and management communication with career management process. During a period of financial crisis, the business context needs and prospects change in a quick and "violent" way. Business and Management communication becomes a crucial and strategic partner in order for corporations to achieve their goals. During that period people evaluate and critically analyze their career path and professional development. Human resource communication management appears as a useful and necessary tool for corporations. Business works in teams. People work having ambitions for their professional future. Designing an effective communication plan via "resources" between team leaders (managers, supervisors) and employees is a difficult process but highly productive that allows us to understand the factors that influence, affect and form people's evolution. It also allows us to deepen the personal desires in order to push people make appropriate choices and to grow within the right professional environment. The communication plan helps the organization, conservation and dissemination of the communication process. It organizes how information flows, via which channels, from whom it is originated, to whom it is distributed and how often that happens. The frequency depends on management's mentality but we have to keep in mind that open communication processes and lines conserves employees' commitment and involvement in corporations' targets. The paper evaluates the results from data collected during the 2011 and presents a simulation model that combines professional evolution, communication management and "resources". (C) 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of The 2nd International Conference on Integrated Information.