Introduction: In recent years, the Chinese sports industry obtained the unprecedented rapidly expand. With strengthening of China sporting goods consumer troop, conducting the research on the consumer decision-making style, it not only the basis of sports goods manufacturing industry formulate their marketing strategy, but also can offered a few valuable ideas to survey sports consumer's purchasing style in the future. Sproles (1985) and Sproles and Kendall (1986) proposed the concept of consumer decision-making style for the first time in the consumer decision-making research provides the direction to study the consumer decision-making from the feature of consumer psychological. This research obtained a numerous scholar's approvals. Afterward, numerous of scholars to carry on the utilization and test it. Bae, Lam, and Jackson (2009) formulated the Purchaser Style Inventory for Sport Product (PSISP), Sproles and in the Kendall research foundation, afterward; Sungwon Bae has carried a confirmation factor analysis on this. The main purpose of this as follows: 1) To revise the PSISP combined with the economic environment of China situation based on the PSISP and CSI. 2) To examine the new scale's reliability and validity 3) To carry on the confirmation factor analysis, further determine the validity of the new scales. Methods: The research uses a questionnaire for survey tool, the questionnaire divides into two parts, one part is in order to get the information of the responses, it has 14 closed questions, respectively, the age, the sex, the occupation, the education level, the area, the nationality, the income, the brand preference, the purchase frequency, the purchase day, the shopping time, the shopping place, the purchase preference, the purchase accompanies. The research goes several steps as following: 1. Translating the PSISP into Chinese version, including 27 items with 8 dimensions. The eight characteristics were identified as: (1) value for money/price consciousness; (2) perfectionist/High-quality consciousness; (3) brand consciousness; (4) novelty/Fashion consciousness; (5) habitual/br and-loyal orientation; (6) Recreational shopping consciousness; (7) impulsiveness/carelessness;(8) con fusion from over choice 2. 50 responses were selected to test the questionnaire clause the appraisal, and then revised them according to the feedback, this step repeated 2 times. 3. The samples of this study we re 800 and returned 637, according to the first part of questionnaire data 569 effective questionnaire wer e selected. 4. Using the new scale carrying on a confirmation survey to the 500 consumers of sports goo ds by random. Carry on the exploring factor analysis with SPSS 13.0 and construct the confirmation fac tor analysis with LISREL 8.80. Results: The exploring factor analysis indicated that 8 dimensions may explain the 76.23% of the total variance. The confirmation factor analysis result indicated that the fitting of the model of 8 factors respectively are: RMSEA=0.069, SRMR=0.071, CFI=0.94, IFI =0.94, Alpha coefficient is (0.71 similar to 0.87), retest reliability (r=0.81, P<0.01), half reliability (0.76 similar to 0.89). This entire index is reasonable based on measurement theories. Conclusion: This has revised "China Purchaser Style Inventory for Sport Product (CPSISP)" in the foundation of the predecessor, the confirmation factor analysis discovery. This research has the limitation in sample randomness and quantity limited by the condition. The samples not be able to cover all crowds, perhaps different physical condition, different activity preference will have the influence to the consumer decision-making style for sport product.