Important political changes occurred in Chile in 7964. Eduardo Frei Montalva's assumption of office promises important reforms, among them, the creation of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning in 1965. As a result of this, various reflections upon the urban and regional territory as well as the creation of a superior environment for collective life emerge. In architecture, such reflection has an effect on three scopes: the chiefly academic one inside schools, particularly in the formation of professionals who have a critical thinking with regard to national politics and who are more connected to the profession's real world by finding out and practicing a poetic view of the continent; the intellectual one through the articles on critical reflection published in the magazine AUCA (funded in 1965) constituted mostly by those professors who resigned -mainly- from the University of Chile in 1963; and the academic professional one, with the proposal of a new school model under the umbrella of the south based Association of Architects. Many of the movements occurred in the late 60s, not only in their origin but also in the management of the following reforms -whose initial effect is the upheaval inside the training centers and the subsequent expansion to the rest of the civil population and the public space - were initiated, promoted, sustained and headed by both architecture students and professors. As a result of these events and their effects on the teaching of this discipline appears the differentiation for the different schools in their profiles and methods of education, as well as the posterior establishment of a general profession identity in Chile. In 1973 the coup takes place to mark a violent interruption of social movements in the country and the autonomy of university reform processes. Just by 7987 the present law of universities is promulgated. This law triggers the rise of private universities and the later emergence of new architecture schools.