Improving both the stability and accuracy of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is an issue in quantitative analysis. For certain environments outside of the laboratory, consistently and exactly maintaining the distance from the optical system to the sample surface is difficult, and fluctuations of this distance severely affect the stability of the spectrum. In this work, the principal components of the plasma images are extracted and used to correct the spectral line intensities as an auxiliary method to reduce spectral fluctuation. The presented image auxiliary method is combined with univariate analysis and multivariate analysis, and the element concentrations of Cu, Mn, V, and Cr in steel samples are analyzed. For univariate analysis, all the determination coefficients (R-2) of the four elements exceed 0.99, whereas the average relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the intensities decrease from 30.45, 23.14, 27.03, and 22.04%, to 2.13, 3.38, 2.49, and 3.58%, respectively. For the multivariate analysis, the R-2 values for Cu, Mn, V, and Cr also all exceed 0.99, and the average RSDs of the predicted concentrations of the validation samples decrease to 2.87, 3.82, 2.86, and 6.51%, respectively.