Checklist, new records and new distributional range of the benthic tanaidaceans from the Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (PNSAV)were analyzed. A total of 30 species, belonging to 19 genus, 9 families, 3 superfamilies, and 2 suborders, were identified from depths ranging from 5 to 25 m. The species Pseudotanais (Akanthinotanais) cf. gerlachi Sieg, 1977, P. (Akanthinotanais) cf. malayensis Sieg, 1977, P. (Pseudotanais) cf. oculatus Hansen, 1913, Anatanais sp., Hemikalliapseudes sp., Pseudonototanais sp. y Synapseudes sp., were recognized as new records from the Gulf of Mexico; also Apseudes cf. bermudeus Bacescu, 1980, Calozodion multispinosum Gutu, 1984, C. wadei Gardiner, 1973, Kalliapseudes sp., Mesokalliapseudes bahamensis, Nototanoides trifurcatus, Psammokalliapseudes granulosus, Pseudotanais (Pseudotanais) mexikolpos, Tanaissus psammophilus, Tanaissus sp., Teleotanais gerlachi y Zeuxo (Parazeuxo) cf. coralensis, were species with increases in the geographic range from this oceanic basis. These results updated the checklist of tanaids from the Gulf of Mexico from 73 species and 52 genera to 80 species and 56 genera.