An analysis of connectedness in the French Holstein cattle population was carried out. This study was motivated by the fact that artificial insemination (AI) bulls are evaluated at the national level, whereas they are usually progeny tested only in the region of their AI stud. Connectedness among AI studs was measured by the generalised coefficient of determination (CD) of contrasts between mean breeding values of bulls from the different AI studs. Four connectedness components were distinguished. The relative influence of each component was assessed through the increase in prediction error variance (PEV) of the contrasts after this information was discarded. CDs of contrasts were always higher than 0.80. Therefore, connectedness level among AI studs was high and provided an accurate national genetic evaluation. Out of the different components of connectedness, withdrawing of proven bull connection data caused the greatest increase in PEV (+47.5 %) primarily due to the change in the connecting structure of the data. Genetic relationships among bulls were the next important source of information. In contrast, contributions from the planned use of the bulls progeny tested were quantitatively limited (8 % increase in PEV) and foreign semen had a minor contribution (2 % increase in PEV). However, in spite of its limited quantitative impact compared to the other components, planned sampling bull connectedness is recommended because it provides high quality data for model validation and bias investigations. (C) Inra/Elsevier, Paris.