Objective: To evaluate Turkey according to the number of work accidents, occupational diseases and related mortality rates, insured workers, establishments and cities, which are important issues in terms of showing countries' situation. Material and Method: The data of 2010-2015 years according to the numbers of insured labourers and workplaces based upon cities were obtained, plotted and interpreted from Republic of Turkey Social Security Institution (RTSSI)'s statistical yearbooks. Indirect standardization technique was used to check the effects of mixed variables when interpreting. This study is an epidemiological, observational and descriptive research. The results were compared to national occupational health and safety targets. Results: Bilecik, Zonguldak and Manisa, which mining is the frontline, take the top in the standardization of work accidents and occupational diseases. In the standardization of occupational diseases, it has been evaluated that Kutahya has risen to the top in recent years, and in the standardization of mortality, Southeastern Anatolian Regions are at the top. Conclusion: The results of mining accidents in Soma / Manisa and Ermenek / Karaman affected the data of 2014 standardization of mortality. We investigated the standardization of work accidents, occupational diseases and their associated mortality rates in Turkey from 2010 to 2015 and it constitutes a benchmark for further studies on this issue. For better evaluation and analysis of notifications, it is important to keep records more systematically and comprehensively.