The key components required for successful learning in the 21th century are to develop learning/memory techniques, learn the study strategies, use the skills related to reading, write essays, take notes and make outlines, and learn how to manage time [1, 2]. Dunlosky et al (2013) [3] consider the importance of students to adopt effective learning techniques that improve their school achievements. This paper focuses on the implementation of a Study Skills Training Program (SSTP) in secondary level students. The SSTP attempts to guide students on: (i) adopting the most effective learning techniques; (ii) planning specific goals and tasks during test studying; (iii) managing their study time; (iv) enhancing their study using the best study skills and (v) using worthwhile test taking tricks and memory tips. During the intervention process, strategies like questioning, small group activities, role-play, debate and use of case studies, based on several sources were implemented, and information was collected using different instruments. The results revealed that the resources created opportunities for students to learn and practice memory techniques, learn to study and test-taking strategies, and time management.