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Clay Mineral Assemblages and Sandstone Compositions of the Mesozoic Longobucco Group, Northeastern Calabria: Implications for Burial History and Diagenetic Evolution
Perri, Francesco
Cirrincione, Rosolino
Critelli, Salvatore
Mazzoleni, Paolo
Pappalardo, Anna
[1] Univ Calabria, Dipartimento Sci Terra, I-87036 Arcavacata Di Rende, CS, Italy
[2] Univ Basilicata, Dipartimento Sci Geol, I-85100 Potenza, Italy
[3] Univ Catania, Dipartimento Sci Geol, I-95129 Catania, Italy
[4] Ist Metodol Anal Ambientale, CNR, Tito, PZ, Italy
D O I:
P5 [地质学];
0709 ;
081803 ;
Mesozoic mudrocks and sandstones from the Longobucco Group (Sila Unit, North Calabria) were mineralogically, chemically, and petrographically analyzed for their burial, diagenesis, and source-area weathering histories. These sediments mark an important phase of the regional geological evolution along internal domains of the circum-Mediterranean chains from the Gibraltar Arc (Spain and Morocco) to the Calabria-Peloritani orogen (Italy). The effects of diagenesis on quartzose sandstone-mudstone lithotypes in the Mesozoic Longobucco Group succession are quantified. The basal Longobucco Group consists of continental clastic redbeds deposited in a rapidly subsiding rift-valley basin, overlain by shallow-marine to deep-marine carbonate and clastic strata. These sediments were analyzed using thin-section petrography, SEM/EDS, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and fluorescence. Quartzarenites display heterogeneous distributions of authigenic quartz, kaolin, illite, feldspar, and minor carbonate cementation. Authigenic zoned syntaxial overgrowths on detrital quartz represent the principal cement, and interstitial clay is an important component of these lithotypes. The mineralogical assemblage of mudrocks is dominated by illite and illite/smectite mixed layers. This observation, coupled with the CIA index and the A-CN-K plot, suggests post-depositional K-enrichment. Paleoweathering indices (CIW and PIA ratios) suggest that the source experienced intense weathering and that mudrocks likely record recycling from metasedimentary basement rocks. Clay-mineral distributions of sandstone/mudstone lithotypes indicate that mixed-layer illite/smectite with ordered interstratification (from R = 1 to R = 3) dominates mudstone mineralogy. Authigenic clays in sandstone are kaolinite, illite, chlorite, and kaolinite illitization as pore filling and lining. These authigenic clays show a distinct distribution, reflecting differences in burial/temperature history. The illite crystallinity index, the illitization of kaolinite, and the occurrence of high-illite I/S mixed-layer clay minerals suggest burial depths of at least 4-6 km and a temperature typical of the boundary between late diagenesis to low anchizone.
页码:1116 / 1131