Calving records of Holstein cows from January 1983 to December 2006 comprising 1,190 herds with 384,717 calving events were used to evaluate factors affecting the dry period length and effect of current dry days on the next productive and reproductive performances of Holstein cows. Statistical analyses of dry days, productive and reproductive traits in this study were performed as linear mixed models. Dry period length (DD) of cows was grouped into 14 classes from <10 days through > 130 days. Average DD was 100.46 days in Holstein cows. Primiparous cows had the lowest DD and the mean of DD decreased over the years from 1983 to 2006 and summer calvers had the shortest DD (p < 0.001): Cows within the DD classes of 51-60 and 61-70 had the greatest actual milk yield, mature equivalent milk yield, adjusted milk yield, adjusted fat yield, mature equivalent milk yield, adjusted protein yield and mature equivalent protein yield (p < 0.05). Also, cows within the DD class of 0-10 had the greatest adjusted fat percentage, mature equivalent fat percentage and adjusted protein percentage (p < 0.05). Our current results showed a reduction in calving interval and age at calving after cows had shorter dry days than with other longer dry period lengths (p < 0.05). Given the recent advocacy for shortened dry periods, it is worthwhile to emphasize that 51 to 70 DD does provide maximal performance in Holstein cows.