This study was performed to determine mast cell distribution and heterogeneity present in the lower respiratory tract and in the lung of duck and goose. In this study, 6 ducks and 6 goose were used. Sufficient amount of tissue pieces from trachea, syrinks, bronches and lungs were taken from the choosen poultries. The samples were fixed in BLA (Basic Lead Acetate - Mota), Carnoy, IFAA (Isotonic Formaldehyde Acetic Acid), then, after routin tissue follow up, the samples were blocked with paraplast. Obtained sections (6-7 mu m) were stained with 0.5% toluidine blue and alcian blue - safranin O (AB/SO). Sections stained with toloudine blue were examined under microscope (40 objective) and the number of mast cell in 1 mm(2) were determined. In both animal species; number of mast cells were changable according to fixation technique, with the highest number in lung samples. For numerical results; the most appropriate fixation technique was IFAA and BLA respectively. In AB/SO staining in trachea, syrinks bronches and lungs of geese, mast cells with SO (+), AB (+) and mix granules were obserwed. On the other hand; with the same staining in ducks; AB (+) cells in trachea, AB (+), SO (+) and mix charecteristic mast cells in syrinks, bronch and lungs, were obserwed.