It is common knowledge that learning foreign languages develops memory, cognitive thinking, and mental flexibility. In recent decades, there has also been a general trend to include creative activities in textbooks on English as a foreign language. The 4C concept (communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking) considers creativity as a necessary element in the EFL classroom. Moreover, creativity is an integral part of a modern specialist's skills. Various activities for developing creative abilities are introduced into course books and other kinds of educational materials for a wide range of specialties and disciplines. As an ability to produce novel, original ideas or in other words innovations, creativity has become a key factor for the long-term sustainable development of national economies. Creativity is the key to achieving a better standard of living. Any country's economic future depends on the human potential to come up with new and better ways to produce, design, advertise, market, and create new products. Neuroscientist A. Dietrich points out the absence of a universal definition of creativity due to the complexity of the notion [1]. However, he differentiates between the artistic and scientific types of creativity as well as several modes of the creative process in the brain. We believe that students majoring in STEM should be more interested in scientific creativity. Thus, we designed a research study to examine the concept of creativity in detail and how it is utilized in EFL didactics. We also suggest a series of exercises that could help students promote their scientific creativity in the English language classroom.