This paper investigates the effects of inflows of foreign aid on the debt repayment behavior of developing countries. The paper first delineates the overall incentives to committing to timely debt repayment in a war of attrition-type model. A set of panel estimates including 93 developing countries shows that foreign aid is strongly negatively associated with repayment incentives. The findings pertain to both total debt service and service on publically guaranteed debt. A set of conditional estimates suggest that the main findings generalize to the majority of developing countries. (C) 2013 Association for Comparative Economic Studies Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Univ Ostrave, Obor Teorie & Dejiny Ceskie Literatury, Ostrava, Czech RepublicUniv Ostrave, Obor Teorie & Dejiny Ceskie Literatury, Ostrava, Czech Republic