OBJECTIVE. This study aimed to determine the effect of academic productivity measured using surrogate metrics, including h-index, publication number, and citation number, on the advancement of academic interventional radiology (IR) staff. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Publicly available data on faculty members in IR departments across academic institutions in Canada and the United States were collected. Gender, academic ranking, leadership position (if any), publication number, citation number, years of active research, and h-index were collected for each faculty member, and these data were used to create a prediction equation. RESULTS. Four hundred twenty IR faculty members met the inclusion criteria for this study. Overall, women were the minority, representing 10% of all IR faculty. Women in academic IR attained academic ranks at a rate comparable to that of men, with 59% of women attaining the rank of assistant professor and 32% attaining associate professor, compared with 59% of men at the assistant professor and 25% at the associate professor level. A trend toward lower female representation was present at the full professor level (women, 8%; men, 15%) but this difference did not reach statistical significance. Leadership position by gender as a percentage of their overall representation in the field was also similar between women and men (first-in-command women, 15%; first-in-command men, 15%; second-in-command women, 2%; second-in-command men, 2%). No significant difference was found between women and men in terms of academic achievement metrics, including publication number, citation number, h-index, and years of active research. CONCLUSION. Women in academic IR achieve similar publication metrics as men and attain promotion to higher academic rank and leadership positions equal to their overall representation in the field. However, women remain the minority among academic IR faculty across North America.