Objective: In this preliminary study, the prevalence of abomasal ulcers in cattle in Austria was evaluated for the first time. Furthermore, possible management factors contributing to the formation of abomasal ulcers and the diagnostic ability of faecal occult blood tests were evaluated. Material and methods: Abomasa of 91 calves, 33 cows and 91 bulls were examined for abomasal ulcers after slaughter. The ulcers were recorded, abomasal content pH was measured and faeces were examined for occult blood. The carcass classification was recorded and the owners were presented with a voluntary questionnaire targeted at health-, management- and feeding-practices that could influence gastric health. Results: The median abomasal pH was 3.0 in calves, 3.6 in bulls and 3.9 in cows. More than 50% of all animals had abomasal ulcers, all of which belonged to the slightest kind of lesion. Faecal occult blood tests proved not to be suitable for detecting these ulcers. From the questionnaire no clear tendencies as far as causative factors for abomasal ulcers could be determined. Conclusion and clinical relevance: It can be assumed that cattle management systems in Austria contribute to the formation of low-grade abomasal ulcers. Due to the lack of a suitable in vivo model to research the formation of abomasal ulcers in cattle all further speculations must remain elusive. Further influencing factors, such as bacterial ulcer colonization, and the true economic and animal welfare impact of these findings need further investigation. The results of this study should be corroborated in a larger, prospective trial.