In the future, Hotel of M-Commerce Service will be an important management trend and automobile application. Because of the increase in wireless cable speed and the fast development of automobile application, people can use diverse wireless equipment and automobile application to trade and exchange products, services, information and knowledge by M-Commerce Service. Previous research in M-service mainly established on the base of E-service. However, mobile network has different features and function with traditional network and consumers will estimate the service convenience depending on the environment and the setting. Therefore, this research combines the concept of automobile application APP with service convenience and use focused interview as the research method. For the focused interview, we invited 8 people, including APP technology experts, field directors and executives of chain hotel and scholars in related research field, to fully exchange opinions and perspectives on "The process of inserting APP application to chain hotel". After the discussion, a verbatim record was compiled from the outcome of the interview. For the service project mentioned in the verbatim record, we classify the items as the base of constructing the scale according to "before check-in," "during the stay," and "after the stay.". Furthermore, the important factors of developing APP application are provided for related enterprises.