Background and Objectives: To assess the current practice pattern in the management of pediatric acute appendicitis in Romania. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire was emailed to all the members of the Romanian Society of Pediatric Surgery between June-July 2022. Results: 118 answers were received, 79.7% responses being from permanent staff members. In the diagnosis of appendicitis, complete blood count, C-reactive protein and abdominal ultrasound are the most commonly used diagnostic tools, while appendicitis scores are not widely used (25% of surgeons). In the case of simple appendicitis, 49.2% of surgeons prefer the conservative approach-oral/intravenous antibiotics. Those who choose the operative approach begin preoperative antibiotics in 56.7% of patients. In case of a stable patient, only 16.7% of surgeons will operate during the night. Laparoscopic approach is chosen by 51.7% of surgeons. In the case of a complicated appendicitis, 92.4% of surgeons will perform the appendectomy, prescribing preoperative antibiotics in 94% of the cases and continuing the therapy postoperatively in 98.2%. Laparoscopic approach is used by 28.8% of surgeons in case of complicated appendicitis. In presence of appendicular mass, 80% prefer a conservative approach with a delayed appendectomy within 6 months. Appendicular abscesses are managed operatively in 82.2% of the cases. The appendix is sent for histological analysis by 95.8% of surgeons. If the peritoneal cavity is contaminated, 95% of the respondents will take a sample for microbiological analysis, 71% will always place a drainage and 44% will always irrigate (71.9%-saline). Conclusions: Clearly, there seems to be a lack of consensus regarding several aspects of the management of acute appendicitis in children. In addition, minimally invasive surgery is not as widely used as reported, despite literature support.