Federal Medical-Biological Agency is an executive authority which carries out functions of control and supervision in the field of sanitary-and-epidemiologic well-being of workers of separate industries with especially dangerous working conditions and the population of separate territories, including the closed administrative-territorial formations, municipal formations in which nuclear power plants are located. The structure of agency includes 83 medical sanitary units (MSU), 9 clinical hospitals(CH), 63 centers of state sanitary epidemiological supervision (CSSES), 15 scientific research institutes (SRI) in which more than I I thousand doctors, about 23 thousand average medical personnel, 1,5 thousand scientific employees work. At present three projects are implemented jointly with NRPA on ensuring of radiation safety at operations at Sev RAO. They cover radiation safety issues during operations, rehabilitation and emergency preparedness on and off site of SevRAO. The report presents brief information about Federal Medical-Biological Agency, its structure and primary responsibilities regarding ensuring sanitary-epiderniological safety in North-West region of the Russian Federation and its cooperation with Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from October, 11 2004 1304 "About Federal Medical-Biological Agency" FMBA was established on the basis of abolished Federal Department of Medical-Biological and Extreme Problems at the RF Ministry of Health. In development of the named Decree by the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation from December, 15, 2004 789 << Questions of Federal Medical-Biological Agency >> was issued and the Provision of Federal Medical-Biological Agency is under the process of coordination in the RF Government. The Agency is established with the purpose of development of system of specialized sanitary-and-epidemiological supervision and medical sanitary maintenance of workers of the organizations of separate industries with especially dangerous working conditions. The Agency is a executive authority which carries out functions of control and supervision in the field of sanitary-and-epidemiologic well-being of workers of separate industries with especially dangerous working conditions (including at preparation and performance of space flights on space piloted programs, implementation of diving works) and the population of separate territories, including the closed administrative-territorial formations, municipal formations in which nuclear power plants are located, a complex "Baikonur" and Baikonur city, and functions on rendering the state services and management of the state property in the field of medical sanitary maintenance of workers of the served organizations and the population of served territories, including rendering of the medical and medical-social help, granting of services in the field of sanatorium treatment, the organization of forensic, judicial - psychiatric examinations, a donor service of blood, human organ and tissue transplantation. It is necessary to note, that before administrative reform declared in 2004 and corresponding decrees of the RF President, Federal Department "Medbioextrem" carried out only separate functions of the executive authority. After the President's decree the FMBA status has increased. The agency is included into 5 executive authorities subordinated to the RF Ministry of Health and Social Development. FMBA will continue to improve its work on maintenance and regulation of radiation safety of use of nuclear power in North-West region of the Russian Federation. At present the agency is a uniform complex that includes treatment-and-prophylactic, sanitary-and-hygienic, research, educational, pharmaceutical establishments, located in 33 subjects of the Russian Federation. The structure of agency includes 83 medical sanitary units (MSU), 9 clinical hospitals(CH), 63 centers of state sanitary epidemiological supervision (CSSES), 15 scientific research institutes (SRI) in which more than 11 thousand doctors, about 23 thousand average medical personnel, 1,5 thousand scientific employees work. Activity of this big collective of scientists, doctors and engineers is dedicated first of all to perfection of medical sanitary maintenance of the attached contingents, the number of which now makes 2,3 million person, including 143,7 thousand people who have contact with dangerous factors and work in hazard working conditions. The Agency responsibilities cover: enterprises of nuclear-fuel cycle; nuclear power plants, research reactors; enterprises for NS decommissioning and etc. objects of chemical weapon storage and destruction; biotechnologies; objects of performance of piloted space flights; enterprises with works connected with rocket fuel components; and special state sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision is carried out at these facilities accordingly.