The study was carried out to identify constraints that women face for improving income-generating activities with particular reference to Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) project areas in Daro Labu and Lasta Districts of Ethiopia. A qualitative research approach using a descriptive design was employed. Field observation, survey and focus group discussion, and key informant interview were used for collecting data from 98 respondents, and the data were analyzed using thematic analysis and narration. The study revealed that the support made to poor women through public works of Productive Safety Net Program is negligible to create productive asset. With the existing amount of payment for public work, it is less likely to create productive asset and thereby ensure food security in the areas. Similarly, inflation rate was not considered, and constant rate of payment is made for the public works throughout the project period. The constraints of women for improving income-generating activities are multi-faceted which include physical, economic, natural, and sociocultural factors. The identified constraints are not only affecting the beneficiaries but also are affecting the success of the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP). Finally, the findings pinpointed areas that need due consideration in the process of implementing Productive Safety Net Program in developing countries particularly, in Africa. Thus, the Productive Safety Net Program actors need to be well synchronized with an effective linkage mechanism for improving the income of the poor women group.