A 2-yr-old female red wolf (Canis rufus gregoryi) presented with weight loss and diarrhea. Abnormal clinical pathology included low serum calcium, sodium, chloride, globulin, and albumin levels. Differential diagnosis included infectious enteritis, intestinal parasitism, inflammatory bowel disease, hepatic or renal disease, and malnutrition. The wolf was treated empirically, but did not improve. A second examination revealed persistent poor musculature and stool quality. Abdominal palpation revealed a firm mass; contrast radiography confirmed an intussusception. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a colocolic intussusception involving the cecum. Following reduction of the colocolic intussusception, cecal inversion (cecocolic intussusception) was identified. Because the cecal inversion could not be reduced, typhlectomy was performed through a colotomy incision. Bacterial culture of peritoneal fluid yielded two strains of Escherichia coli. Postoperatively, the wolf was placed on antibiotics and a soft diet. The diet was gradually returned to its normal formulation and the wolf progressively gained weight. Physical examination 7.5 mo following initial presentation revealed normal body weight and condition. To our knowledge, this is the first recorded incidence of cecal inversion with concurrent colocolic intussusception.