An experiment was conducted to find out the effect of organic and inorganic sources of fertilizers on yield, quality and nutrient status of winter season guava. The two years pooled data revealed that highest soil nitrogen and phosphorous (269.97 & 19.77 kg/ha), Ca & Mg (7.03 & 2.76 meq/ 100 g soil), leaf nitrogen & phosphorous (1.76 & 0.26%) and leaf Ca & Mg (2.01 & 0.86%) contents, respectively, was obtained with the treatment comprising Azotobacter + 25% of N tree(-1) through FYM + 75% of N tree(-1) through inorganic fertilizer, whereas, the highest soil potassium (148.23 kg ha(-1)) and leaf potassium (1.25%) contents was obtained with the application of Azotobacter + 50% of N tree(-1) through FYM + 50% of N tree(-1) through inorganic fertilizer. The pooled analysis of two year data also indicates that 25% of N tree(-1) through FYM + 75% of N tree(-1) through inorganic fertilizer showed highest fruit yield (41.14 kg plant(-1)) maximum fruit length (8.39 cm), breadth (7.94 cm), weight (244.24 g) and pectin (0.81%), while, Azotobacter + 50% of N tree(-1) through FYM + 50% of N tree(-1) through inorganic fertilizer showed highest TSS (12.95 degrees Brix), total sugars (8.61%) and minimum physiological loss in weight (14.29%) after ten days under ambient conditions.