Unique lifting factorization results for group lifting structures are used to characterize the group-theoretic structure of two-channel linear phase FIR perfect reconstruction filter bank groups. For D-invariant, order-increasing group lifting structures, it is shown that the associated lifting cascade group C is isomorphic to the free product of the upper and lower triangular lifting matrix groups. Under the same hypotheses, the associated scaled lifting group S is the semidirect product of C by the diagonal gain scaling matrix group D. These results apply to the group lifting structures for the two principal classes of linear phase perfect reconstruction filter banks, the whole-and half-sample symmetric classes. Since the unimodular whole-sample symmetric class forms a group, W, that is in fact equal to its own scaled lifting group,W = S-W, the results of this paper characterize the group-theoretic structure of W up to isomorphism. Although the half-sample symmetric class h does not form a group, it can be partitioned into cosets of its lifting cascade group,C-h, or, alternatively, into cosets of its scaled lifting group, S-h. Homomorphic comparisons reveal that scaled lifting groups covered by the results in this paper have a structure analogous to a "noncommutative vector space."