Drinking water quality assessment in Mahabubnagar has been always been crucial with reference to public health. A study was conducted to evaluate the bacteriological and physico-chemical analysis of drinking water supply of the Mahabubnagar district in India. Four samples were collected from Ramanpadu and Koilsagar water (both natural reservoir and filtered), and for each sample bacteriological parameters and chemical parameters were evaluated. The bacteriological results indicated that the bacterial count was highest in Ramanpadu water (RP-736 CFU/ml) and the least count was found in Koilsagar water (KS-06 CFU/ml). The total plate count revealed the highest count in Koilsagar filter (KSF) water and the least in Koilsagar (KS) water. The most probable number method was used to detect and count the total coliform and E. coli. Results revealed that the one indicator bacteria were present in two samples (RP and RPF). The samples were monitored for the various physicochemical parameters comprising pH, EC, color, turbidity, phenolpthalene alkalinity, methyl orange alkalinity, total alkalinity, total hardness, phenolic compounds, anionic detergents, residual chlorine, mineral oil, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons as PAH, cyanide, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3-, SO42-, NO3-, Cl-, F-, and trace metals such as Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, Se, Ag, and Cr. The pH of water samples was alkaline and varied from 7.21 to 7.96, and the mean value was 7.52. In this study, all 4 samples did not exceed the reference values for chemical parameters. The results showed that physiochemical parameters are within permissible limits.