Considering that what is said about pedagogy is marked by a dialogic vision of teaching and learning process at the (IPN), we must consider that dialogue as the exchange of beliefs mediated by language, is an ostentatious way for learning that also puts us in an ethical tradition on the basis of absolute respect for the beliefs of other rationalities. Therefore assumes that science and technology are teaching areas and therefore who participate and are involved in its teaching are required to establish a critical relationship with the discipline, with its professional practice and with the various sectors of society and culture. In this context, argued dialogue is the ideal medium for the development of critical thinking of the future graduates. The present work aims to be an act of reflection on the situation of teachers and students during and after the educational process in Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) in higher education system/senior level. Considering. Different situations will be arisen that are considered basic to achieve scientific and technological education in our Institution, we are talking about aspects such as teachers training, how the innovation and research might be involved in the classroom to train students as researchers, changes in the curriculum to train graduates with a sense of social responsibility. Given that our Institution offers training in science and technology, in this work are also presented a proposal to develop educational processes with the support of ICT and the current situation as well as the perspective of IPN in Science, Technology and Society in Mexico.