We aimed to determine the functional localisation of right-left discrimination (RLD) by functional MRI (fMRI). In this study, 16 male volunteers were examined. There were three task sessions: one active and two baseline tasks. During the baseline tasks participants were instructed to show numbers with their fingers. The first baseline task was performed with the right hand, the second one with the left hand. During the active (RLD) task participants were also instructed to show numbers. The difference between baseline and active tasks was that during the active task the hand with which the participant should perform the instruction was assigned randomly. Thus, participants were unaware which hand should be used before the instruction command. During RLD, activations occurred in the right-sided frontal, precuneus, postcentral, angular, lingual, and superior temporal gyri. Activations also appeared in the left-sided temporal gyri and precuneus. Of the activations, 76.7% appeared in the right hemisphere, 23.3% in the left hemisphere. Conclusively, we found that RLD is mainly related to the right hemisphere, and requires activation of the parieto-temporo-occipital junction and the visual system including cuneus, precuneus, and gyrus lingualis.