The counterfeiting of medicines is a global scourge, which is particularly serious in the African continent. According to WHO estimations, whereas counterfeit medicines represent 1% of the market in developed countries, up to 30% of the medicines sold in African countries are counterfeit. Several factors may explain this high rate in Africa, from the weaknesses of legislation and controls, to the lack of affordability of medicines and the attitude of governments. A counterfeit medicine represents different levels of risk, depending if the active substance is present or not, if the dosage is the fight one, if the product contains toxic substances, etc. In Africa, several examples sadly showed the terrible impact the use of counterfeit medicines may have (i.e. Nigeria, 1990, Niger, 1995). Pharmacists have a crucial role to play in fighting against the penetration of counterfeit medicines, both in securing the distribution chain, and in leading some actions towards patients. The FIP has produced some guidelines on this issue by adopting a statement (which was last updated in 2003) and by providing pharmacists with useful tools on its website. Several international organizations such as the CIOPF (International conference of French-speaking Orders) produced recommendations on this issue. However, the experience and expertise gained by national organizations from countries such as Cote d'Ivoire are also worth sharing and are presented here. To cite this article: M. Chauve, C. R. Biologies 331 (2008). (C) 2008 Academie des sciences. Public par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits reserves.