Immunological aging is strongly associated with the observable deleterious effects of human aging. Our understanding of the causes, effects, and therapeutics of aging immune cells has long been considered within the sole purview of immunosenescence. However, it is being progressively realized that immunosenescence may not be the only determinant of immunological aging. The cellular senescence-centric theory of aging proposes a more fundamental and specific role of immune cells in regulating senescent cell (SC) burden in aging tissues that has augmented the notion of senescence immunotherapy. Now, in addition, several emerging studies are suggesting that cellular senescence itself may be prevalent in aging immune cells, and that senescent immune cells exhibiting characteristic markers of cellular senescence, similar to non-leucocyte cells, could be among the key drivers of various facets of physiological aging. The present review integrates the current knowledge related to immunosenescence and cellular senescence in immune cells per se, and aims at providing a cohesive overview of these two phenomena and their significance in immunity and aging. We present evidence and rationalize that understanding the extent and impact of cellular senescence in immune cells vis-a-vis immunosenescence is necessary for truly comprehending the notion of an 'aged immune cell'. In addition, we also discuss the emerging significance of dietary factors such as phytochemicals, probiotic bacteria, fatty acids, and micronutrients as possible modulators of immunosenescence and cellular senescence. Evidence and opportunities related to nutritional bioactive components and immunological aging have been deliberated to augment potential nutrition-oriented immunotherapy during aging.