The current state of knowledge about the structure of wall-bounded turbulent flows is reviewed, with emphasis on the layers near the wall in which shear is dominant, and particularly on the logarithmic layer. It is shown that the shear interacts with scales whose size is larger than about one third of their distance to the wall, but that smaller ones, and in particular the vorticity, decouple from the shear and become roughly isotropic away from the wall. In the buffer and viscous layers, the dominant structures carrying turbulent energy are the streamwise velocity streaks, and the vortices organize both the dissipation and the momentum transfer. Farther from the wall, the velocity remains organized in streaks, although much larger ones than in the buffer layer, but the vortices lose their role regarding the Reynolds stresses. That function is taken over by wall-attached turbulent eddies with sizes and lifetimes proportional to their heights. Two kinds of eddies have been studied in some detail: vortex clusters, and ejections and sweeps. Both can be classified into a detached background, and a geometrically self-similar wall-attached family. The latter is responsible for most of the momentum transfer, and is organized into composite structures that can be used as models for the attached-eddy hierarchy hypothesized by Townsend ["Equilibrium layers and wall turbulence," J. Fluid Mech. 11, 97-120 (1961)]. The detached component seems to be common to many turbulent flows, and is roughly isotropic. Using a variety of techniques, including direct tracking of the structures, it is shown that an important characteristic of wall-bounded turbulence is temporally intermittent bursting, which is present at all distances from the wall, and in other shear flows. Its properties and time scales are reviewed, and it is shown that bursting is an important part of the production of turbulent energy from the mean shear. It is also shown that a linearized model captures many of its characteristics. C (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.