New geochemical and geochronological data of two types of granites, which are located in Yandangshan area, southeastern Zhejiang Province, were presented to constrain their magma condition, origin and the genetic relationship between them. The SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of Dongshan and He-sheng granite in Yandangshan area shows that they were formed at 114 +/- 1 and 103 +/- 2 Ma, respectively. Samples from the Dongshan granite have high SiO2(76.4 wt.%-76.9 wt.%) and total alkaline (K2O+Na2O=8.35 wt.%-8.47 wt.%) contents, but low FeOT(0.89 wt.%-1.15 wt.%), MgO (0.21 wt.%-0.22 wt.%), and CaO (0.24 wt.%-0.34 wt.%) contents and high A/CNK (similar to 1.1) values, belonging to the peraluminous and magnesian granite. The Hesheng granite has high SiO2(72.2 wt.%-77.5 wt.%), total alkaline (K2O+Na2O=8.05 wt.%-9.41 wt.%) and FeO(T)contents (1.20-2.06), and high A/CNK values (1.0-1.1), but low in MgO (0.12 wt.%-0.29 wt.%) and CaO (0.24 wt.%-0.34 wt.%) contents. Samples from the Hesheng granite also have high FeOT/MgO (6.9-10.0) and 10 000xGa/Al (2.6-3.4) ratios similar to the ferroan/A-type granite. All the samples are enriched in LREE but have produced negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*(Dongshan)=0.45-0.47; Eu/Eu*(Hesheng)=0.17-0.55), Ba, Nb, and Ta, while the REE contents of the ferroan/A-type granite (Hesheng) are higher than that of the magnesian granite (Dongshan). The (Sr-87/Sr-86)i value of the magnesian granite is slightly higher than that of the ferroan/A-type granite and its epsilon(Nd)(t) value (-6.8) is lower than the latter (-6.0--5.9). In addition, the epsilon(Hf)(t) value (-11.8--4.2) of magnesian granite is also lower than that of the ferroan/A-type granite (-8.3--2.0), indicating that there may be more mantle-derived components in the source area of the ferroan/A-type granite. Zircon saturation thermometer (T-Zr) and Ti-in-zircon thermometer (T-Zircon) are used to estimate the temperature of the magma source, and the results show that the magma temperature of the magnesian granite (averageT(Zr)=798 degrees C; averageT(Zircon)=792 degrees C) is lower than that of the ferroan/A-type granite (averageT(Zr)=862 degrees C; averageT(Zircon)=859 degrees C). And the oxygen fugacity of magnesian granite (Delta FMQ=1.16-3.47) are also higher than those of the ferroan/A-type granite (Delta FMQ= -0.41-1.14). Our new data indicate that both granites in this study are derived from a mixed source that consists of mantle-derived and crust-derived material. Based on the previous studies, both of the granitic plutons were formed under extension setting, and the granites transformed from magnesian to ferroan in the study area may indicate the extension was enhanced, which may be caused by the roll-back or delamination of the Paleo-Pacific oceanic slab.