Classical and quantum space splitting: the one-dimensional hydrogen atom

Carrillo-Bernal, M. A. [1 ]
Martinez-y-Romero, R. P. [2 ]
Nunez-Yepez, H. N. [3 ]
Salas-Brito, A. L. [4 ]
Solis, Didier A. [5 ]
[1] Old Dominion Univ, Dept Phys, Norfolk, VA 23529 USA
[2] Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Fac Ciencias, Apartado Postal 50-542, Mexico City 04510, DF, Mexico
[3] Univ Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Dept Fis, Apartado Postal 55-534, Mexico City 09340, DF, Mexico
[4] Univ Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, Dept Ciencias Basicas, Apartado Postal 21-267, Mexico City 04000, DF, Mexico
[5] Univ Autonoma Yucatan, Fac Matemat, Merida 13615, Yucatan, Mexico
one dimensional; hydrogen atom; space splitting; SELF-ADJOINT EXTENSIONS; SINGULAR POTENTIALS;
G40 [教育学];
040101 ; 120403 ;
The one-dimensional (1D) hydrogen atom with potential energyV(q) = -e(2)/|q|, withethe electron charge andqits position coordinate, has been a source of discussion and controversy for more than 55 years. A number of incorrect claims have been made about its spectrum; for example, that its ground state has infinite binding energy, that bound states associated with a continuum of negative energy values exist, or that anomalous non-Balmer energy levels are present in the system. Given such claims and the ongoing controversy, we have re-analysed the 1D hydrogen atom, first from a classical and then from a quantum perspective both in the coordinate and in the momentum representations. This work exhibits that certain classical properties of the system may serve to clarify the properties of the quantum problem. Using the Dirichlet boundary condition, we show that the singularity of the potential prevents any relation between the right and left sides of the origin. Hence we prove that the attractive potentialV(q) acts in that case as an impenetrable barrier splitting the coordinate space into two independent regions. We show that such splitting appears both in the classical and in the quantum descriptions of the system. The analysis presented in this paper may serve as a pedagogical tool for the comparison between classical and quantum problems, as well as an illustrative example of a problem involving a singular potential that can be approached both from its position and momentum representations.
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