Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a substance widespread in nature and used in numerous practical applications. In nature, its biomineralization relies, among others, on microbiologically induced precipitation processes. One of such processes is precipitation induced by ureolytic bacteria. If performed in a biomimetic manner, the process is carried out under mild conditions and, most importantly, can be employed in field applications in situ. Therefore, the process constitutes an eco-friendly and energy-saving technique to be used as an ecological alternative to conventional techniques in a variety of engineering fields. In these fields, CaCO3 serves as a remediating and cementing agent, for instance to (1) clean waste- and groundwater from toxic metals and radionuclides, (2) strengthen and consolidate soil and sand, (3) seal geological formations to enhance oil recovery and geologic CO2 sequestration, (4) repair stone and concrete structures, and (5) cover surfaces of these structures with protective layers. Although already in use in the sector of protection and renovation of stone monuments, to date the technique has remained mostly under research and optimization. To become fully implementable as a reliable and economically viable technique, it still requires further research in order to address its limitations, focus on parametrical optimization, up-scaling and life-size field experiments. All these, in an interdisciplinary effort of geologists, microbiologists, chemists, civil engineers and conservators of historic monuments, will move this eco-friendly and innovative branch of engineering from laboratory to field applications in the environmental and civil engineering, geotechnology and conservation of historic buildings. Given its eco-potential and innovativeness, in this study the principles of the technique, advantages, possible applications and challenges are reviewed.