Introduction: We evaluated the efficacy of oral vinorelbine (OV) (Navelbine oral (R) Boeringer-Ingelheim Austria) in patients with advanced breast cancer as firstline therapy or after progressing under earlier line chemotherapies alone or in combination with trastuzumab (T). Patients and methods: Seventy-eight patients [median age: 63.5 years (y), range (r): 38-84 years] were included into this trial. Patients with her-2/neu positive tumours received a combination of OV and T. Treatment effect was evaluated every three cycles and treatment continued until progression. OV was administered in a dose of 60 mg/m(2) on day 1 and 8, q = 21 days, and no dose escalation to 80 mg/m(2) was performed. Results: We observed a complete response in 5.9% of patients, partial remission in 22.1%, stable disease (SD) > 6 months in 33.8%, SD < 6 months in 2.9%, and progression despite treatment in 35.3%, respectively. Time to progression was 6 months (range 1-23+). The main toxicities consisted of nausea/vomiting (N/V) and neutropenia. Grade IV neutropenia was found in 5 patients (6.4%), grade III in 6 patients (7.7%) and grade I and II in 11.5%. We did not find any grade IV N/V in our patients, however, grade III N/V was observed in 3.8%. No other grade III and IV toxicities were reported. Conclusion: OV appears to be effective in the treatment of advanced breast cancer at the dose and schedule chosen. It is well tolerated, effective, and the oral formulation is an advantage for the patients as well as for the nursing staff.