The heat transfer and wake-induced vibrations of a cylinder of circular cross section in the wake of another identical cylinder are numerically studied in this work at a Reynolds number (Re) = 100. The reduced velocities (Ur) are varied in the range of 2-14. The downstream cylinder is allowed to oscillate in two degrees of freedom, i.e., in the transverse as well as in the streamwise direction. The mass ratio (m*) is taken as 10, while the structural damping is ignored to get the maximum amplitude of vibration. The spacing ratio (L/D) between the cylinders is varied from 1.5 to 6, covering the major regimes, i.e., single body, reattachment, and co-shedding. The coefficients of lift (C-L) and drag (C-D), vibrational amplitudes of the cylinder, the Nusselt number (Nu), the Strouhal number (St), and vortex shedding patterns are studied. The results are discussed with the help of lift-displacement phase plots, cylinder trajectory plots, and vorticity and temperature contours. The lock-in condition at Ur = 8 is observed for all values of L/D, whereas the lock-in zone is the widest for the co-shedding regime at L/D = 6. By increasing L/D from 1.5 to 2.5 at Ur = 8, the C-L of the downstream cylinder increases by 43%, whereas the C-L of the upstream cylinder decreases by 61%. The downstream cylinder experiences lower drag as compared to the upstream cylinder and stationary isolated cylinder. A maximum decrease in the average drag coefficient of 107%, as compared to the stationary isolated cylinder, was observed for the downstream cylinder at L/D = 1.5 and Ur = 2, leading to the negative drag. Mostly, the 2S and C(2S) vortex shedding pattern is observed, whereas a steady flow and chaotic pattern emerged in a few cases. The results reveal that with increasing L/D, the average Nu for both the upstream and downstream cylinders increases as the effect of each cylinder on the other diminishes. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.