High requirements to ensure sanitary and hygienic working conditions and reduce harmful emissions into the environment are provided through ventilation systems equipped with efficient and economical equipment. The task of improving the air basin is to reduce the amount of harmful substances in the ambient air to the level of MPC and lower, which, with increasing volumes of ventilation and process emissions, determines the increased requirements for industrial filters. The most effective are wet devices, in which the process of gas cleaning is carried out through interaction with the liquid, most often with water. The authors developed a number of high-efficiency dust-collecting apparatuses, in which the majority of methods for contacting elements with a liquid are realized simultaneously, which determines the maximum completeness of gas purification from dusts with different physico-chemical properties. One of them is an aerohydrocyclone intended for combined simultaneous cleaning of a technological product in the form of a suspension and dusty air removed from the shelters of technological equipment. This apparatus with internal circulation of liquid, where the concentration of trapped dust in the irrigating liquid affects the efficiency of dust collection, the frequency of water replacement, the operating mode and the load of the water-slurry farm. The particulate materials of the slurry intensifies the process of dispersion, irrigating liquid and its structural viscosity, as well as the stability of the formed foam, which contributes to a more effective manifestation of various wet dust collection mechanisms.The implementation of the installation of a wet dust collector for complex cleaning in the technological line for the preparation of lime milk from the construction materials factory made it possible to reduce the concentration of dust in emissions at the maximum level of ensuring the economy of aspiration systems. The obtained results testify to the positive experience of the operation of wet dust collectors for complex cleaning in the building materials industry, and the regularities connecting the operation modes of the apparatus with the properties of trapped dusts and the features of technological processes make it possible to recommend them for use in various enterprises.