Age 0 cod (Gadus morhua) were surveyed with beach-seines monthly from September to December, 1997-1999, at sites located throughout Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. Catch rates (densities) varied annually, being highest in 1998 (7 fish per sample) and lowest in 1997 (< 1). Each year, fish size and density increased from September to November, as expected from a stock that tends to produce a single cohort spawned in April/May. However, in December the expected larger fish were absent, and the presence of smaller cod suggested a later cohort (July spawning). Large-scale spatial patterns also persisted among years, with densities consistently higher in the inner bay and on the western side, and lower on the eastern side. The rank of the sites from greatest to lowest density of age 0 cod remained fairly consistent among years. In a comparison of all 12 sampling events, the proportion of sites occupied by cod was strongly and positively correlated with the total number caught (r(2) = 0.95). These observations suggested a density-dependent range expansion not previously reported for age 0 cod. (c) 2005 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.