The endangered red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus), endemic to Lao PDR, Vietnam, and perhaps Cambodia, remains little known. The Lao population is highly threatened. To improve conservation prospects of the species there, we here update a status review from 1999. Subsequent literature (mostly not readily available to the outside scientific community) was reviewed critically. Doucs and their habitat in Lao PDR faced continuous, increasing threats in the past 10 years through large development projects and heavy hunting. Many locations with records from the 1990s were not surveyed in the last decade, so douc persistence remains uncertain in them. Given the poor status of the species in Vietnam and Cambodia, the Lao population is surely the world's largest and the best hope for the species global conservation. Resources for conserving species are very limited in the country, urging prioritization of populations, so available resources have maximum effect. NakaiNam Theun and Hin Namno National Protected Areas hold the largest populations of P. nemaeus, but face great threats from hunting. Management of these areas (and secondary priority areas) should focus on control of this illegal activity. Am. J. Primatol. 74:874-889, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.