Energy efficient technologies have become more valuable than produced energy. Up to date research of combustion devices focus on how to develop high efficient and "clean" device that can burn wide variety of fuels. The recent surge of interest in combustion of low calorific gaseous fuels has been derived, on the one hand, form the fact that fossil fuels shortfall will happen in near future, and on the other, there is constant struggle with tighten emission regulations. Low calorific gases are usually generated as side products in technological processes (i.e. blast furnace gas, waste gas from cupola and coke ovens, etc.), or can be produced in biomass gasification process or as a landfill gas and gas from mines. Low calorific gas can be burned in furnaces or boilers, in gas turbine combustion chambers or internal gas engines either with or without additional high quality gaseous fuel. Common problems associated with combustion of low calorific gaseous fuels are burning stability in rather narrow operating range, high cost of auxiliary equipment for safe operation of burner system and operation instability caused by variability of fuel content. Combustion within porous inert media (PIM) shows distinctive difference from open flame burning systems. This paper presents basic characteristics of combustion of low calorific gaseous fuels within PIM and discusses major parameters that effect on combustion stability, efficiency of the burner and GHG emission, as well as our own idea for development of this type of burner.