Community perceptions and attitudes towards the parks and wildlife in Kibale and Queen Elizabeth Conservation Areas, Uganda are explored. We determined local community perceptions and attitudes through a household survey from May 2018 to April 2019 using literature review, focused group discussions, Geographical Information System/remote sensing, and semi-structured interviews from 208 respondents randomly selected from local communities living adjacent to the wildlife-protected areas. Socio-demographic factors mainly gender, age, education level, and distance of household from the park boundary influence (at alpha=0.05 and 0.001) local community perceptions and attitudes towards wildlife conservation. Local community perceptions of the park and wildlife were influenced (at alpha=0.05 and 0.001) by community knowledge and awareness of the existence and importance of the park, its attributes, wildlife resources, and benefits. Local community attitudes were influenced (at alpha=0.05 and 0.001) by the level of conservation education and awareness, resource access and use, handling of victims of illegal entry into the parks, and the costs incurred from invasion by wild animals. We conclude that socio-demographic factors, community knowledge and awareness of the existence of the park, its attributes and resources, community benefits, and costs incurred by the community as a result of invasion by wild animals and vermin, influence community perceptions and attitudes towards conservation of parks and wildlife. The wildlife agency should integrate local community perceptions and attitudes into the park management plans, intensify wildlife conservation education and awareness programs, and provide incentives to local communities to improve community perceptions and attitudes towards the park and wildlife.